Gouden Duif 2022


De 42th Gouden Duif Celebration is taking place Satuday 25 February.
Pre bidding in the Gouden Duif auction is possible from Saturday 18 to Thursday 23 Februari, ending from 7 pm. 
>> To the auction <<


Gemeenschapscentrum Den Boomgaard
Antwerpsesteenweg 57
2520 Broechem-Ranst


15.30 u. Opening of the doors.
16.00 u. Official opening.
16.05 u. Celebration of the winners in the Gouden Duif competition
Around 18:15 u. auction
21:00 - 23:00 u. Celebration of the winners in the Gouden Duif competition

Aankondiging Gouden Duif 2022

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